Christmas through a Star Wars Lens

Both the Jedi and the Sith operating with conventional expectation of logic of power, miss the miracle of the story of Star Wars: the miraculous power of Luke's love turning Darth Vader to a loving father. Christmas season is a time for us to set aside our conventional expectations for our own lives, whether the expectation is for more health or wealth or happiness, and wait with awed eagerness, making space for God's miracle in our own lives. The miracle of Christmas is that somehow own own meager manger unconditionally surrendered to God will becomes a place where God's presence Forcefully manifests to redeem the darkness in this world.

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Theology of Blade Runner (original) - A Question of Empathy

A mind compulsively intent on self-preservation cannot look at the world from the other person’s point of view. Only when one steps away from ones addiction to self-preservation can one’s mind be freed to see the world from the other person’s point of view. Then one will stop seeing others as “tools” in one’s own project of self-preservation, making way to have empathy for the other. 

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Examen Prayer - An Discovery of Deep Desires

The Examen prayer is done at the end of each day, as a way of reviewing the day to see how our spirit and desires were moved through the day. It is a way of prayerfully asking a series of questions that help us be attuned to the presence of Christ's spirit and discover our deep desires.

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A Good Man is Hard to Find - the Misfit Disciple!


Jesus. O'Connor is not trying to prove the faith, but rather to critique the Christian culture which often misses the radical nature of the person of Christ by equivocating Christianity to some banal morality of niceness. Flannery O' Connor puts the words of truth in the mouth of the criminal, perhaps not unlike the criminal crucified alongside. In a Flannery O Connor sort of way one could say that Misfit is a better disciple of Christ than the grandma. 

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Narcos - the Identity Game

Remembering ones true identity is key to living into ones destiny. In Deuteronomy God repeatedly exhorts Israelites to remember what He has done and to teach their kids to remember. One has to remember ones identity in order to endure suffering. For example, when my identity as a healthy person is strong it gives me the strength to suffer seeing donuts but not eating them! Not unlike the bandits who endure suffering because the strength of their identity. Identity is the emotive force the motivates action. Of course, the bandits suffer and live for ultimately self seeking motives. The Christian on the other hand lives and suffers for the sake of the glory of God.

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Solar Eclipse, a Glimpse of Tolkienian Humor!

Next time you see the see the Sun and the Moon, hopefully, it will not merely an incandescent ball of fire and a cold crater ridden piece of rock, rather your heart will be drawn to the unrequited love story between the angelic beings, Tilion and Arien. May be, it is not as unrequited as I make it to be, thanks to the eclipses!  And the brilliance of Illuvathar's creation... pointing back to the brilliance of God's handiwork.

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The Art of Mindful Emotions

This lesson of being mindful of our emotions as a way of raising our ability to listen and be empathic is critical for personal relationships and for communal cohesiveness. Part of the reason why political discourse is so broken in Universities and the society at large is because people tend to blame the other people for the unpleasant emotions that others trigger in them. When our emotions get triggered by something that is happening we have to stop and ask ourselves, "Do I do well to get triggered?" 

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The Best Day of My Life Yet!

Over the past few months, as I have been praying, meditating, talking with folks about ordination the phrase that God formulated in me, spiritually speaking is, to be ordained is to rest in the love of God and invite people to experience the love of Christ. This is the "why" that I have been looking for. This is the ax that will sharpen my spear. This is the anchor that will prevent me from being buffeted by the relentless waves of evanescent fascinations. This is what Keirkegaard talks about when he says, "purity of heart is to will one thing." 

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The 21st Century Super Heroes

Safe, merciful and caring gospel cultures are built on the backs of such pioneering super heroes who give up their deepest desires to fulfill higher dreams of self transcending love, serving the under-served, which makes these modern single women missionaries the true super heroes of the 21st century. 

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Labyrinthine Renunciation of Frenzied Time

Renunciation of the the desire for compulsive control is going to be a long process of accepting the grace of God. The control monster, deep in my psyche, pulling me into frenzied time zone. Killing the control minotaur is about giving up the compulsive pursuit of immediate happiness in the frenzied time zone to live in the deep time in appreciation of God's grace, no matter what life throws my way.

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Hopefulness of Tomorrowland: Which Wolf is Fed?


The way to quell mass despair is not by a logic of power. Rather it should be by the way of love building itself to hope. In the movie, in order to get one of the dreamers, Frank (played by George Clooney) to be hopeful, Athena falls in love with him even though she knew a relationship between man and andriod would never be possible. Still she justifies her love by saying that Frank needed someone to believe in him. 

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Deep Spiritual Roots of Silence

Trees are spiritual because they have deep roots, roots that are unseen but their strength comes from their deep roots. Just like the trees, the deep roots of my own spirituality are not seen outside but it is those deep roots that strengthen me. The trees are also a place where many living things find their abode. . Christ is the one in whom I find my adobe and rest in. If I am deeply rooted in Christ, and grow out of Christ, then I will become an extension of Christ’s love that points people to the rest in Christ. The tree is a deeply mysterious being which reflects God’s nurturing and life giving side. So being among big trees in the evening was to be mystic presence of God.

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No More Us vs Them!

The fact that immigrants still want to continue to flock to States speaks to the attractiveness of the American project. We are facing some hurdles now. Instead of regressing into the clannish blame game, of the us-vs-them kind, we need to go deeper into what it means to be fully human and share stories celebrating integration of ourselves in each other's cultures.

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Reforging Broken Dreams

In the run up to the first Advent the elderly Zechariah and Elizabeth had a surprise child who turned out to be the blessed John the Baptist. Their shame was transmuted into an unexpected blessing. Advent is a time that reminds us that our Father in Heaven cares about the hurts and sorrows of our broken dreams. He does not just slap our broken dreams back together the way we want it. Rather, our Father re-forges our broken dreams into unexpected new prospects, pregnant with beautiful blessings. 

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