I went to St.George's one Sunday for the youth fellowship, but there was none. I was disgrunted and below is what I wrote

My week was tiring, I never had enough time to eat or sleep, I was going all cylinders full blast during the week. And I needed to unwind, I need to feel my heart lift up over my brain, I wanted to feel my state buds come back to life. I wanted to go to a restranut with my close friend and have a hearty meal and a lively chat. I was looking forward to it all week. I picked up my friend and was riding crazy to reach the restraunt have dinner and to feel life in all its fullness.

My week was hopeless, I never had enough time to enjoy the presence of God, I was slogging like hell at work, I was a zombie. I needed to feel my heart, I needed the fellowship of those who loved Him. I was craving for it with all my heart. I wanted to feel the love, I wanted my heart to really start beating again, I wanted to feel it alive again, to revel in the joy of collective worship of the likeminded. I was looking forward to it all week. I woke up late on Sunday and hurried to chruch hoping to attend the youth meeting after chruch and to feel life in all it fullness.

When my friend and I reached the restaurant, we found it closed. There was a moment of disappointment, a moment of irritation that our plans had to be changed. Nevertheless restraunt was not important, fellowship was. So we drove off to another restranut with equally good ambience which would serve us. And I could slowly feel my heart come back to life.

After church I was running around outside hoping to find a few to fellowship with. No there was none, I was distraught, the unsatisfied craving for fellowship was gnawing at my soul, my heart was beating not with life but with disappointment. As I was driving back in melancholy, I was wondering why I this had to be different from what happened with the restraunt, if I my most essential needs are not satisfied here, wouldn't it be foolish not to try to get it satisfied elsewhere?