Black and White Beauty :)

Black and White photos have about them a kind of mystery which leave much room for imagination, contemplation and even a kind of mythical admiration which is not possible in most of the colourful photographs which so titilate our 'material' senses.

Below are a few B/W photos I found myself snapping around during my recent tour in Ooty. With B/W photos one gets to admire a kind of meta-physical beauty in all the creation of God, unperturbed by the colourful distractions which consume our senses.

The morning Sun light splashes on the landscape a kind of misty aura.

The shrubs closer to us seem bigger than the tall trees far off in the other hill. So it is with our problems, our miniscule problems seem monstrous in comparion to the humungous ones others have. ;)

Lean tall ones interspersed with the shorter bushy ones, yet there is still a esthetic harmony. :)

Dilapated homes - Secluded habitats don't really thrive just like seculeded civilizations tend to die with time.

Looks like the great old one is having a second lease of life... Like Nicodemus???

Journeying through a long life following upon another's wake...

Is there no end to these immense landscapes that fill the horizons to the brim???

The water, the trees, the clouds and the sky all merge into a molotic reality made for the sole purpose of being 'there' to be gazed at. :)

Gazing into all the physical (and metaphysical) beauty all around...

I am not expert photographer, but I shall continue on this journey enjoying through Black and White the Beauty of God's and man's creativity which again if anything, exemplifies the creative Beauty of God.