Reflections on Obama Making History

During the initial stage of the election campaigns, I was carried over by Obamamania only for a shortwhile before I got back to my sober self. I did not support him for Presidency. I am not American, so it did not matter what I preferred. I did not agree with quite a few of his policies, especially his stand (or non-stance) on abortion. I was not enamoured by his showmanship either. I was looking for a statesman in the President, he is a smart Harvard graduate who may make a great President but I was yet to see experiential proof of his statesmanship. In spite of my predisposition against his being the President, when I got to witness his being declared the president, it was palpable that I was witnessing a historic event. I was in a small election party with my Lakewood friends here in Houston. It was a 'Obama party', most people Obama supporters. I was greatly inspired by the atmosphere in the room. I was so inspired that I typed the following in my laptop. The moment was electric, that I did not support him for presidency seemed inconsequential.

I am now sitting at my friend Andrew’s house with the Lakewood friends of mine. We are celebrating Barack Obama getting elected to become the first Black man to become the President of the US. What was at stake here was not just a black man becoming the President of the US, but the first black man to become for the first time in recorded history the most powerful man in whole world. This is history that has been waiting for many millennia to unfold, I consider myself so fortunate to witness this moment in history.

This event is not something that can right all the wrongs of history and this isn’t something which just signifies a change in the course of history but this signifies the way justice finds her path in history even if she had been lost quite a long time in the cosmos. This event shall be marked in many millennia of history as something that gives hope itself an audacity that shall be spoken of for much of future history and as the day in which men were able to walk straight backed and square shouldered again, that freedom was really free. Tomorrow as the sun rises for the billionth time it would not be lost on anyone that the rays of the grand old sun would not be met without a recognition of special nature of the day.

Obama is now on the stage with his daughters and his lovely wife. He has an aura bout him which in time would embalm the face of this nation whose face has been smeared by so many insensitive decisions which history shall stand up to condemn. Even as I watch the reaction of the people black, white, brown and yellow with a tear going down their cheeks, it is apparent that they do not see just a hero, they see something beyond that which can be seen by the human eye, they see the ideal of the human spirit which corrects the mistakes of crooked history. And he ends his speech with the ‘Yes, we can, God bless you, God bless America’.


I guess I am more inspired by Martin Luther King's speech 40 years ago the day before he was assasinated because his words were not a 'punch line' for the moment, but timeless truths from the word of God.