Transformers and the Cocky Christians

Watching Transformers – The Dark Side of Moon ( on IMAX 3D was a very descent visual treat. There wasn’t much of a story, if I had made that movie I would have fired those in-charge of the script. The Transformers movies are primarily about the Supernatural ‘Autobots’. But the script writer made the movie into something about the natural humans. In this case, it the human happens to be one Mr. Sam. Sam is cocky about making sure that everyone knows he is special because of his special relationship with the ‘Autobots’. He does not seem to realize that he  looks foolish doing that. Most jerks don’t. In truth, was the Transformers that actually saved planet Earth, Sam happened to be the ‘chosen one’ with whom they had a relationship.

In one of the scenes, at the Military base getting ready to ‘save the world’, Sam is not allowed to 'call his shots' because of lack of military credentials. His long legged girl friend steps in chiding the rank and file, “Sam is the real super hero, not you guys. You (lesser mortals) should be listening to him” I sat there thinking, “Really? So those beautiful virtuous Supernatural Autobots who ‘really’ did all the work to save planet earth aren’t the real Super heroes? This sissy of a guy who is insecure even around your stud of a boss, is a super-hero???” It is incredible how the script writers have tried to make the story that is about the ‘Autobots’ into a story that is about someone who just happens to be the ‘chosen’ messenger. Not to mention and have done a very bad job at it.

Looking back, this shouldn’t be that surprising. After all, this is human nature. People sharing witnesses at Church sometimes seem do the same thing. Christians, take God’s story and make themselves look good in it. Even when the testimony involves sharing something that is self effacing, at a deeper level the Christian if often working the story, twisting it to get more ‘self-branding’ mileage. Most of the time, the self-effacing brand builder covertly tries to show off how he/she is more intimate with the Lord or knows more about the Lord than the rest of the ‘lesser mortals’. We are prone to yield to such self-promoting attitudes because we often forget that we are Christians only because we have been ‘chosen’ to be a part of the Lord’s covenant community. We forget that Christ did ALL the work on the cross. We forget that there is no reason for us to boast. Every attempt we make to twist the Lord’s story to make it into one where we are super-heroes, we like Sam end up being the cocky Christian fools. If we are sharp, we’ll hear the Angels laughing from the stands. He who has ears…