Tolkien's 2nd Age, on Amazon - Dig in!

The account, of Souron and the Numenorean men, is a retelling of the Genesis chapter 3 account of the Fall of man. In Genesis the devil, in the form of the serpent, plants an idea in the mind of Adam and Eve - the idea that God was "holding out on them." God was preventing them from eating the fruit, becoming God-like. Once Adam and Eve allowed this distrustful seed to take root, the bait was taken.

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Frozen - A Thawing up to Real Love

I could not have dreamt of a day when I would use a romantic Disney movie to exemplify the sort of  1 Corinthians 13 'real love' that St. Paul talks about - the real one that isn't about 'having it easy', but about moving mountains, albiet thorough pain and suffering.

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Jurassic Park Revisited!

Now that I am grown up, I see that my childhood dream of someone creating a Jurassic Park has been fulfilled. But Not in the sense that I thought of when I was a kid though. The Jurassic Parks of today, from Facebook to the Fed are built by men who take themselves more seriously than they should, often as monuments for their own glory, are an attempt at building something spectacular that controls the destiny of mankind.

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