Lessons from Succession: Finite and Infinite Games

Logan is always playing the game to win. He says, "I always win." And this mindset of playing the game to win   is something Simon Sinek, calls the finite game. He wrote a book called the infinite game in which he says people often play two types of games.

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Simon Sinek & Finding the Motivation-Why through Theology

A strong sense of why is deeply motivating, giving us the energy to face what we have to do each day with a deep sense of purpose and meaning. Simon Sinek is right in helping us to see why focusing on the why is more important than focusing on the 'what.' But the 'why' in and of itself is amoral, so it can easily be used in narcissistic self-seeking ways. When we make our 'why' to align with the glorifying God, by valuing intimacy with God and obeying God's command to love our neighbors we will be energized to truly create a world of love and peace.

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