November Facebook Status Updates

A friend asked me what I did last weekend. I said, "Saw a good movie, read a good book has good conversations with people". We talked for sometime then he asked me again. "What did you do that was FUN???". I said, "Saw a good movie, read a good book has good conversations with people"... What more does one need to be FUN???

I was having lunch with a friend today, discussing the meaning of life. My friend said that discussing meaning of life might be futile... that we need to live in the present... I said I really want to know the Truth... Finally, we got the fortune cookie and mine said, "Enjoy life! It is better to be happy than to be wise". We had a good long laugh till we almost teared-up... :)

Since this morning, in conversations with the friends I have hung-out with I got at least 4 suggested readings... "How to read a Book", "The One and The Many", "Ego and Archetype" and "How Trinity Changes Everything"... I don't have the bandwidth to read all of these books now, but haven't I the MOST awesome friends???!!!

There couldn't be a more beautiful day than today to sit outside and read... cool, dark and melancholic. :)

Any system of life that is devoid theology which connects the idea of man with the idea of God, would end up dehumanizing man

I need to talk to someone who has read or seen 'Moneyball'. Some parts of it sort of went over my head...

The luckiest are the ones that were born in the early 80s... Like me. :P

Why does 'Adagio in G minor' make you feel the way it does?

J. Edgar is 2 hours and 40 minutes long, but leaves you wanting more. DiCaprio and Eastwood have tried to deal with Hoover's life in ALL of its complexity that they barely scratch the surface - leave much shrouded, intentionally I believe.

Grief is good as long as it does not lead to self-pity. Life is good as long as there is hope and faith that God would work it ALL for the ultimate good - Rom 9:28.

Well... to go or not to go and watch 'J. Edgar' DiCaprio's latest movie with Clint Eastwood at 00:01 hours tomorrow (actually tonight)... THAT is the question.

I think one thing that Facebook does well is it gives people a chance to be a tad bit more creative than they normally are. :)

Houston was beautiful today! There were clouds, then some rain, little snow flakes dancing about for a very short while, then pouring rain, then a mist, then some sun and then cloudy again. Classic Houston!

Strength in the midst of weakness is true strength, for if there is no weakness in a person, then 'strength' has no point to prove. If one hasn't had a chance to win a battle from within, one may not be able to overcome the battles from without. So, Cheer up! If you think you are weak, you have an opportunity to be strong. :)

In life, we expend ourselves, anyone who doesn't feel expended, probably isn't alive yet.

If you have a strong arm and a sharp knife, when you make one cut, you'll have two pieces of meat. Well, what I am saying is if you have strong principles in your life, you can be decisive. :)