Joker Falling Through the Christless Cracks!

We live in a society which is increasingly fragmented. Millennials are one of the loneliest generation. The UK has appointed a minister of loneliness because it has realized the importance of being connected to community, for the overall health of well being of individuals and the hence the nation. Durkiem was a sociologist who analyzed the pattern of suicide in the early 20th century. He found that the persons who committed suicide often were isolated individuals. Joker is one such anomie, in fact one of his jokes in the journal read, "may be my death will make more cents than my life." Arthur Fleck was an anomie who if he had been living in the early 20th century would have committed suicide. But the Joker of the 21st centruy is an anomie becomes a psychotic murderer.

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Loneliness vs Connection

The problem with our society is that we are moving more and more into a society which is determined by I-IT relationships. Christopher Lash in his book the Culture of Narcissism says we are becoming a society of "happy hookers," where the goal is to sell oneself to people around us, where it a boss at work or a potential date at a coffee shop. This I-IT-happy-hooker way of life is causing more fragmentation and greater isolation. It is no wonder that the UK recently appointed a special cabinet minister post to address the problem of loneliness.

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