Stockton Rush: Hero or Villian OR What may Aristotle say?

There are some that consider Stockton rush as a hero. There are some that say that captain Stockton is a pioneer because he was trying to figure out a way to take multiple people on a tour together to the deeper depths of the ocean. Because the current models do not allow more than two people to go together at the same time. So in that sense, is he an Explorer that is that is trying to push the boundaries and figure out innovative ways of doing things. In that sense, is he a hero?

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A Way of Stories vs the Bottom-line Culture

In as much as our lives do not have hope for redemption, our stories seem meaningless. If there are no stories worth living for, then we end up living for something else - money, power or knowledge. In as much as our identities are solely determined by the bottom-lines factors of money, power or knowledge we end up living lives of shunted humanity. In as much as we take a step back from our bottom-line obsessions with money, power and knowledge, we will see that there are richer stories to be lived with eternal hope (Rev 21:4) in which our stories will be redeemed.

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Sedated in a Sinking Titanic

As crazy and extreme as it may sound, the love of Christ on the Cross for the Church is the only true model for any lasting love. In as much as modern love deviates from that model, this civilization will crumble. We are slowly moving away from a Giselle like harmony to a Rocky Horror Picture Show like chaos... and the sad thing is none is screaming, everyone appears to be sedated in the sinking Titanic.

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